
Dr. Randy Clark of Global Awakening:

“John Wimber had Blaine Cook, David had Johnathan, Paul had Timothy, and I had Rex. A man who knows not defeat, Rex has the tenacity to continue through the difficult times into the promises of God for himself and his family. Sacrificing his job, home, and personal life, Rex has traveled with me for 3 years. It has been a veritable roller coaster ride throughout those years, but I’m happy to say we have both weathered the storms. Now, I am honored to speak in detail of my good friend.

Rex Burgher is a servant of God, first and foremost; although he’ll tell you he is a loving husband to Lois, his wife of 46 years comes in a close second. Rex is a man who is saturated with the glory of God. The fruits of the Spirit abound in his life. The Lord gave him Lois to instill faithfulness and two wonderful daughters, Krista and Tonya, to teach him patience. In retrospect, God has put Rex on the “fast track” to spiritual maturity. Rex, an already successful businessman, came to me eager for more.

Intrinsically, Rex knew that his purpose was for a different calling. He quickly abandoned his career to pursue the Kingdom of God. No longer was he to support the evangelist and missionary. Now, he was to become one.
Over the years, Rex has flowed in the same anointing I have; he’s witnessed numerous healings and has been used by God to quicken the Holy Spirit into a meeting. Rex has heard the same “faith-building” testimonies and ministered to the Mozambique orphans alongside me. The Lord has given him an uncanny ability to relate to the hurting and broken. From his experience, he draws empathy for the unsatisfied, those who want and desire more. There is no other person I would more enthusiastically recommend than Rex Burgher.

I entreat Pastors, thirsty for more revelation, to invite Rex and Lois to speak at your church. No one has sacrificed more, thus receiving more blessings than Rex and his family. I am not selling you a past employee but sharing my deep affection for a good friend. I hope, out of that, you hear my commitment to, and love for, Rex Burgher. I admonish you to not be complacent. Please, do not settle! You must reach a new level to overcome your plateau, and Rex will take you there.”

Bill Johnson

“When the Spirit of God fell upon Rex and Lois Burgher, it was similar to when Elijah placed his mantle on the shoulders of a young farmer, Elisha. That young man was so determined to be used by God that he sacrificed his oxen and abandoned everything to go and serve the prophet. Rex and Lois have responded with the same fervor and determination. Having left everything, they have faithfully served Randy Clark and the Global Awakening Team in ministry worldwide. In doing so, they have come into their own inheritance for ministry. I heartily commend them to you as effective ministers of the gospel, servants of the man of God, and friends.”

Pastor Bill Johnson, Bethel Church — Assembly of God Redding, California
(Apostolic leader with one of the most anointed healing ministries in the United States today) Bethel Church, Assembly of God Redding, California

Rolland, Rex & Heidi in Maputo

“Heidi and I enjoy spending a rich time with Rex in the intensity, fire, and hard work of bush revival in Africa. We know that Jesus has given Rex and his wife Lois a terrific heart for the Lord. They long to see Him glorified and put into His service to pave the way for that to happen wherever they go. They diligently seek him, always learning and pressing forward, and so can minister to others, passing on the maturity that they have learned over many years of experience.

Rex and his teams have poured their hearts and lives in Africa with us. We have seen their love and work and commend their ministry to all who want to grow as much as possible in their walk with Jesus”.

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