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During the tribulation period, which lasts for seven years, the world will experience intense suffering and distress. Jesus prophesied about this in Matthew 24, warning of wars, famines, and earthquakes. Believers will face severe persecution and many will be martyred but will find hope in the promise of deliverance and eternal life. The tribulation is often associated with the concept of the rapture. Despite the challenges, believers are encouraged to endure and remain faithful, knowing that Christ will return. Such are the days of tribulation.


The timing of the rapture in relation to the tribulation is a theological debate among Christians. Different interpretations exist regarding the timing of the rapture, depending on whether you believe the rapture will happen before, (pre-tribulation), during, (mid-tribulation), or after, (post-tribulation). Supporters of the pre-tribulation rapture believe that believers will be taken up to meet Jesus before the tribulation begins. They often cite passages such as 1 Thessalonians 5:9, which mentions that believers are not destined for wrath, and Revelation 3:10, which speaks of being kept from the hour of trial. Since Rex and I lean more towards anti-pain we lean more towards being pre-tribulation people.

Supporters of pre-tribulation and mid-tribulation believe that the rapture will occur sometime during the tribulation period. They emphasize that passages like Matthew 24:29-31 and Revelation 20:4-6 indicate the rapture happening before, during, or after tribulation events. It is important to note that the Bible does not explicitly state the exact timing of the rapture concerning the tribulation. Therefore, individuals and denominations hold differing views on this topic. Christians who have different views on the timing of the rapture still find common ground in their belief in the return of Christ and the ultimate victory and redemption that comes with it. Therefore, while the Bible does allude to the concept of the rapture and the tribulation, it does not provide a clear timeline for the occurrence of the rapture concerning the tribulation.

The words “Rapture” and “Tribulation” are frequently used when Christians discuss end-time events. These two words can have varying interpretations, so it is crucial to understand their meanings from a biblical perspective. Although the word “rapture” does not appear in Scripture, proponents of this belief point to various passages that they interpret as describing an event similar to the rapture. The primary Scripture often referenced is 1 Thessalonians 4:17, which says, “Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.” As one can imagine, the church is firmly embedded on both sides of the theological debate surrounding the concept of the rapture and its timing. 

Additionally, other passages are sometimes associated with the belief in the rapture, such as 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, where Paul speaks of the transformation of believers at the last trumpet, and Matthew 24:40-41, which speaks of two people being taken and two being left behind. Ultimately, the interpretation of these passages and the belief in the rapture is a matter of personal or theological interpretation.

The belief in the rapture, as it is commonly understood today, began to gain significant attention and popularity among some Christian groups in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The specific teaching of a pre-tribulation rapture, where believers would be removed from the earth before a period of Tribulation, was popularized through the teachings of John Nelson Darby, a prominent figure in the early Plymouth Brethren movement, and who is often credited as being a key in introducing the concept of the pre-tribulation rapture to the church.

Four Points To Recognize and Watch Out For!

1.       Disillusionment or crisis of faith: If someone strongly believes in the imminent rapture and it does not occur as expected, some may experience a sense of disillusionment or question their faith. This can lead to a crisis of faith as they struggle to reconcile their beliefs with the reality they observe.

2. Fear and anxiety: Believing in the rapture and an impending tribulation can evoke fear and anxiety about the future. If this belief is not realized, individuals who have constantly anticipated these events may find adjusting to a different understanding of the end times challenging.

3. Loss of focus on present responsibilities: An excessive focus on the belief in the rapture and the concept that the end is near can potentially distract individuals from their commission to evangelize, baptize, and pray for deliverance from evil spirits, and the healing of the sick as stated in Mark 16:15-18.

4. Division and disunity: Strong attachment to a particular belief or interpretation of the rapture can create division and disunity within Christian communities. Conflicts and disagreements may arise among believers with differing viewpoints if what they perceive does not occur.

     It’s essential to approach theological beliefs with humility and recognize that interpretations of the end times, including the concept of the rapture, can vary among sincere and faithful Christians. While beliefs about the timing and nature of the rapture can be significant, it is crucial to avoid allowing disagreements on these matters to undermine unity and love within the body of Christ.

Four Points to Keep Us Prepared For What is Coming!

1.    Your Faith: Focus on building a solid and personal relationship with God. Cultivate a deep understanding of biblical teachings, and regularly pray while you seek wisdom and guidance through the Holy Spirit. This foundation will provide spiritual strength and guidance in any situation. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In  all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

2.    Live a Life of Love and Compassion: Emphasize the teachings of Jesus by loving others, showing compassion, and serving those in need. Actively participate in acts of kindness, generosity, and social justice, reflecting the values of the Kingdom of God. “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” (John 13:34)

3.   Be Prepared for Challenges: Recognize that life often does present difficulties, whether the rapture is imminent or not. We develop resilience and the ability to face adversity with the promise that faith, hope, and love will remain and that we are safe in Him and in our eternal salvation in any circumstance that may come in this life on earth.  Being prepared should also include taking care of our spirit, soul, and body and preparing financially and practically as the Holy Spirit leads us to do.  Always keep in mind this scripture and promise. “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

4.     Study and Interpret Scripture Diligently: Engage in a systematic study of the Bible, seeking to understand its teachings in their historical and cultural contexts. Develop discernment and critical thinking skills to evaluate various interpretations and claims. This can help navigate different perspectives on the end times and strengthen your understanding of God’s Word.

    It is our prayer that our Lord will keep you under the shadow of His wings and that you will know the secret place of safety that He has in His great love for you. Most of all may we submit our lives to Him as we are made ready for His will to be accomplished in what appears to be the signs of the end times spoken of in the scriptures.  May our hearts be as is His heart for the great commission to flow from our lives all the more as the time draws even closer to Jesus coming again for His bride. In His love always.

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